Archive thoughts...
[月] 2020-07-20 庚子年五月三十
So apparently people are storing code and seeds, amongst other things, in vaults in Svalbard, Norway, above the Arctic Circle. Meanwhile, a 'backup' of Wikipedia is planned to be sent to Mars. The rationale is 'insurance' against 'civilizational collapse' or simply a useful record for future people, including scientists, historians, scholars, and the like. It seems depressing to consider an event such as the possible collapse of modern civilization, but, perhaps such resources would be a great aid if such an event occurred. Knowledge, especially possibly 'rare' pre-collapse knowledge in the event of such a scenario, would be worth more than gold... One only has to look back to the collapse as occurred in medieval Europe after the loss of the Roman Empire's western half, to observe the great worth attached to any bit of prior knowledge.
It seems historians have attributed the medieval European Renaissance 'rebirth' of knowledge to a few factors, namely, firstly that the monasteries were centers for the preservation of knowledge, and perhaps more importantly, the preservation of 'classical knowledge' by the late Eastern Roman Empire (the 'Byzantine' Empire centered at Constantinople), and subsequently the preservation, translation, and advancement of knowledge during the Islamic Golden Ages. Presumably scholars would have fled Constantinople (today's Istanbul, Turkey) after the capture of the city by the Ottoman Empire. It's also become a sort of common historiography to say that 'the [Catholic] Church saved the knowledge of Europe' due to the role of the monasteries, especially during the early ages of the medieval era in Europe (the so-called 'Dark ages').
There's also a dissenting, or rather, a differently-focused school of thought that focuses on so-called 'Dark Ages' (not just the medieval European one) as moments of tenuous rebirth. Presumably, such a 'reset' allows a re-analysis, tabula rasa, of society's prior model. And was Europe 'better' after the medieval ages? It took a long time, but arguably, at least asking a modern European today, one would probably receive an answer that "life is better today" even when compared to the 'Golden Age' of the Roman Empire. For one, Roman slavery is abolished. The heavy aristocratic-peasant divide, and the heavy landowner vs. non-landowning divide perhaps contributed to the political instability of the western Roman Empire, as perhaps did currency inflation (ironically as a result perhaps of '大秦' having a trade imbalance with Han dynasty (漢朝) China?)... Even so, perhaps you argue, how was the medieval age better, with its serfdom? History is a long process...
This is an issue faced by many surviving 'classical civilizations' today. One would argue, that obstensibly they are weighed down by the baggage of their past: past values, past social structures, and past culture. Is the past a source of strength and wisdom, or of weakness and dilapidation? Arguably, it is both. Ancient knowledge is not without profound truths and experiences, yet at the same time, it bears criticisms for the faults of ancient civilizations. Is it necessary to put 'modernity' and the 'ancient' and 'traditional' in opposition?
Perhaps such an event as 'civilizational collapse', though unfortunate, would offer the opportunity many years from now for a better society. Though it could take centuries or even millenia for such efforts to bear fruit, the wisdom of the perspectives gained in the aftermath would be invaluable, even if sowed in great chaos...
Sorry to go into such a dark topic for merely the third blog post here... :/